Hello to you all, and my apologies for not posting for so long! The sunflowers, photographed at a New York market in early October, are my peace offering to you :)
The thing is that events have rather overtaken me this autumn, and I have found myself planning forthcoming happenings in a big way (some of them now past, cuz that's what they become when they're done with, right?) and trying to decide just which direction I want to take.
Most of you who have been following this will know that I have been playing around with eating raw vegan. And it is true that I think it's a wonderful idea and would be very beneficial. Right now, however, hasn't seemed quite the right time to make this switch for me and my dh. Undoubtedly, were either of us having any health problems we would probably make the change overnight and receive all the wonderful benefits, but that's just not the way of it. We are both in startling (to our doctors) good health, feel terrific in ourselves, are happy, mobile, active and full of good ideas for our lives as well as enjoying an eating style that includes raw foods but also depends to some smaller degree on cooked vegan yummy dishes. We like that.
So why not new recipes? In addition to enjoying our tried and true family favourites, I have been working on a project:
Early next year will see the online publication of an e-cookbook by yours truly (under my 'real' name rather than a nickname). Thanks to the encouragement of a dear cyber friend (Erin, that's you) I have put together a series of new recipes which are - wait for it - not only low salt and low fat as usual with me but also spicy, soy-free and gluten-free. Hey, what a challenge, eh? I loved (almost) every minute of the creation of these (about) two dozen new recipes and the revamping of the three or four which had their inspiration in recipes I had made before.If I got frustrated sometimes, it was only a small indication to me of the frustration those of you must feel who cannot eat all the things that the rest of the world takes for granted even in a vegan regime.
So there you have it. Meanwhile, I do have a few dishes I have made that are newish and not included in this forthcoming e-book, and I shall be letting you know about those in the next day or two.
For those who want to know what I'm up to when I'm not blogging on BeanVegan or posting on my groups on Care2 and Yahoo!, I remind you off my other blog - River Rambles: http://river-rambles.blogspot.com/
Chat again soon! Please watch this space for any new news about the coming e-cookbook!What an adventure!!!!