Still catching up here ;) I find that when I haven't posted in a long time it's because I have been revisiting old favourites in my recipe book/s and where's the novelty in that! For interest of those who still like to know what vegans eat (yes, there's a blog about that, I know!), here are a few of my recent ventures in the kitchen.
See my post about this HERE. I keep varying the recipe, of course, but that's just the way jambalaya is!
Sometimes I use chickpeas in this dish, sometimes tofu, sometimes homemade seitan - and of course the veggies keep changing according to what's available!
I originally posted the recipe HERE. This is something we keep going back to because it has the virtue of freezing well. This time we had it with polenta and a salad.
I don't suppose you will find this 'recipe' on this blog, but you will find something similar to do with cabbage or greens or whatever. What I did with these lovely little things was to steam them lightly with some chopped ginger root, garlic and chilies. They were to go with a baked millet dish (which is not my recipe to give, I'm sorry to say), which has all kinds of lovely tastes in it. It's a bit of a clash of ethnicities, but the flavours were superb together!
A couple of days later we had the millet with a mint tabouleh and steamed sweet potatoes and carrots.
And finally, to end with rice as I began, easily one of our favourite quick meals is unfried rice - steamed vegetables, of course, with lovely brown rice. This one has wakame in it too as well as a sprinkling of oven-roasted soybeans - but like everyone else we vary this each time we make it.
And they say it's hard to cook vegan - HAH!
Turnip The Beet
1 day ago
Oooh, taboleh!
Oooh, tabouleh!
Ooooo - all of this looks delicious!
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